Live it. . . Love it. . . Kill for it

and fuck what everyone else thinks

Friday, December 19, 2008

two points from lesser ghost pie.

"Too late...friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot...control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD....NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS! ALEXSTRASZA, HELP ME!"

Vael. The emo dragon. What power hath he from the random beats of dark rats wings in the beer pipes of Drop kick murphys. I wondered this while eating wanton fried squid legs and watching penguins box for candied apples atop the spinning disc of the Eiffel Tower. Desk. The forthright laughter of the elf. She buried them beneath the stupid little egomaniacs that looked like shadowy puppet masters that munch on oxycodone and raspberry chocolate.

Einj. Yaslhe. Aldilene. The spectres of the past. I smell pizza due in 90 minutes. Talk about shit-tastic service. I write. I stare. I lawl at them. bothered no more by the randomness of the FUNGLES system. *cough* Annoyance was he.

I crave paper. nomnomnom


Ki said...

Um . . .

. . . um . . .

Well, Adam wants me to let you know that if you keep publishing this kind of stuff for 6th months and then kill someone, you can plead insanity.

I just say um.

Andy said...

I did Laugh my butt off!@